Title of Article: Cinderella Ate My Daughter
This author, Peggy Orenstein discusses and argues that the segregation of boys and girls are pretty relevant through the commercializtion of Disney movies and toys in general. Disney and toy companies are promoting gender roles as an underlying theme as to what boys and girls should participate and be. The perception of Disney movies creates what girls and boys should and should'nt strive for in society. Orenstein proves that gender roles are created through the use of Disney movies. The one point I would like to expand and comment on is the commercialization of the Disney princesses Orenstein disccusses with her friends.
I have watched a good amount of these Disney movies and I have noticed this continuation of beautiful princesses falling in love with their prince charming and having happily ever after moments. If only it were that simple. But there's one problem, it's a fairytale and these children don't know that. And if they do, they still hold onto alot of those beliefs these movies portray.
Children at this age watch these Disney movies like we watch our favorite T.V shows over and over. Orenstein points out the princesses' lives are being portrayed as to what these children see as a wonderful life. The princesses have no flaws and are just made beautiful. These kids get brainwashed into believing I want to be a princess and be married to my prince charming. These Disney movies do not portray the truth rather than just pure fantasy. Disney does put alot of focus on the flawless beauty of these princesses and our children become so saturated in that world is just like these Disney movies that it is actually setting them for failure. Girls relate to these princesses and want to be just like them. And when that doesn't happen they get upset and don't understand that, these movies depict everything that's wrong with society. It creates an atmosphere of not accepting yourself because you're not as beautiful as Princess Jasmine or you don't have the beautiful accesories like these other princesses. These movies promote what these little girls should be defined as. That beauty will get you anything you want and prince charming. One might say that these girls are limited to what they can be later in life because of the influence these movies have on them.No where in these movies, shows an independant woman who strives for ambition and seeks out greatness for herself. Commercialization and advertising have huge affects on society but far more influence on children. I thought the princesses were supposed to be perfect? Here is a video I found rather interesting.
One point I would like to share is what is defined as Happily Ever After? We see all of the glamour and happiness that these princesses go throughout the movies but I had a couple of questions while I was typing my blog. The Disney movies that I have watched never show what happens next. Maybe that would shed some light as to what roles women have after they have met Prince Charming. Do they start and raise a family? Do they become housewives and do all the cooking, cleaning, etc.. Or do they hire someone for all of the chores and raising of the little ones? Just some questions to bear in mind that I found interesting.
Do you think that it might be ok for kids to believe in fairy tales? Isn't that part of being a child? The only thing is, once they grow up they need to learn what is reality and what is a fairy tale from their childhood...Maybe that is what needs to be worked on! Let kids have an imagination and believe in fairy tales and the make believe...lets just find ways to draw the line between when they need to learn what is reality
ReplyDeletewell written!